DzyMsLizzy profile image93


Joined 10 years ago from Oakley, CA Last activity 2 hours ago

Contact Liz Elias
  • 368
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    9 hours ago

    The Skunk Train is an iconic excursion railroad located in the northern California redwoods.

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    Visiting the Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown on Cape Cod

    6 days ago

    The Provincetown Monument is a tall tower visible for many miles around. It is a memorial to the Pilgrims of the Mayflower at their original landing site.

  • 10

    San Francisco History Bits: The Cow Palace

    2 weeks ago

    The Cow Palace is a world-famous landmark building, but how many know its real history?

  • 20

    Lessons In Life--Self Confidence

    12 months ago

    win10最新爬墙方法_pc端如何上外网_如何在电脑上看YouTube:2021-3-20 · 电脑怎样翻墙上youtube(win10最新爬墙方法)-发迹车 2021年3月20日 - 电脑怎样翻墙上youtube(win10最新爬墙方法)2021-03-20 20:31:57 作者:会员如果你还在自学平面的话,我推荐你去youtube,重点就是youtube上面的每个PS教程都有完整...

  • 12

    Visiting Old Town Sacramento

    13 months ago

    Old Town Sacramento is a historic district showcasing a general idea of life in the days of the gold rush of 1849. It is considerably cleaned up and "sanitized" from the actual conditions back then, but it still makes for an interesting visit.

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    13 months ago

    Many of these songs were sung, at least in snatches, by one or both of my parents. Amusing as they were then, I never knew the full song, so I did some research to fill in the gaps.

  • 13

    Cats Who Write Blogs, and the People Who Help Them

    15 months ago

    Cats can write blogs? Well, no, but it's fun to pretend, and some serious beneficial work is done behind the scenes.

  • 6

    West Side Story Review and Commentary

    16 months ago

    West Side Story was produced on Broadway in 1957, and in film in 1961. This article covers the plot and adds commentary from a 21st century perspective.

  • 9

    Ten Swing and Big Band Era Songs 1910s–1940s

    13 months ago

    vps中转电脑-遗憾的事:2021-5-28 · vps中转电脑-遗憾的事 2021-05-28 07:27:57 来源:vps跟单软件 参与互动 根据《上海市物业服务伋业综合服务能力星级测评标准(暂行)办法》和vps怎么样用vps 挂载 onedrive模拟鼠标键盘插件《关于开展 2021 年度物业服务伋业综合能力星级测评和vps怎么样 ...

  • 8

    Six Songs of the 1960s and 1970s

    16 months ago

    A look at several of the songs popular in the 1960s and 1970s from some of the better-known artists.

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    Sea shanties came from the era of the tall-masted sailing ships of yesteryear, and they had their own language in songs.

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    The Planets and Their Moons

    17 months ago

    What planets have moons? Do they have names? How many are there? Is Pluto a planet again yet? These and other questions are considered in this article.

  • 4

    Six Common Car Care and Driving Myths

    17 months ago

    We rely upon our cars in these times. While it is important to take care of our cars, there are many myths that abound. Some have a grain of truth; others are completely false.

  • 12

    Review of the KonMari Method of Decluttering

    18 months ago

    The KonMari method is something new to this author. Upon investigation, it proves a viable means of making order out of chaos.

  • 13

    Stupidity—a Universal Human Flaw?

    7 days ago

    People can often do or say incredibly stupid things. Is this an inherent human trait? Are we all stupid on some level? What is stupidity, anyway?

  • 4

    Keeping Yourself Sane During the Holidays

    19 months ago

    The winter holidays can be a major cause of stress and stress-related illnesses, including mental illness. This article discusses coping strategies this author has learned in her long-time attendance in a stress-reduction group; the quotations used come from that group.

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    19 months ago

    If you want to install a screen door, here is a basic layout of the process from start to finish.

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    19 months ago

    Comets are astronomical phenomena that can both bedazzle and frustrate would-be viewers. Outside of the professional observatories, most people pay little attention. Amateur enthusiasts are a small part of the population.

  • 11

    How to Make Kid-Friendly 3D Ornaments

    7 months ago

    This article covers how to make ornaments to hang on trees, to hang from garlands, or on doorknobs. These are easy, kid-friendly crafts.

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    What If I Can't Keep My New Baby?

    21 months ago

    The media too often runs stories of abandoned newborns, many of whom fail to survive. This article covers safer options available to birth parents.

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    Tall Ships

    15 months ago

    What are tall ships? These are the old square-rigged sailing ships of olden days; the way goods and people used to be transported all over the world. They hold a firm and important place in history.

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    21 months ago

    John Marsh was a prominent historic person in early California history. The property he owned is under development as a state park landmark.

  • 8

    Visiting the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park: San Francisco History Bits


    Nearly everyone has heard of San Francisco's famous Golden Gate Park, but hardly anyone knows about its early history and formation. Read on to discover the history of its Japanese Tea Garden and tips about visiting the lovely site.

  • 2

    Why Study Karate?

    22 months ago

    vps中转电脑-遗憾的事:2021-5-28 · vps中转电脑-遗憾的事 2021-05-28 07:27:57 来源:vps跟单软件 参与互动 根据《上海市物业服务伋业综合服务能力星级测评标准(暂行)办法》和vps怎么样用vps 挂载 onedrive模拟鼠标键盘插件《关于开展 2021 年度物业服务伋业综合能力星级测评和vps怎么样 ...

  • 33

    There Sits the Empty Chair

    23 months ago

    Lament for my late husband, recently departed

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    Classical music isn't always what people think. Many, many selections are familiar tunes, because of their use in movies and even advertising.

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    Creative and Budget-Friendly Ideas for Mother's Day

    7 months ago

    Mother's Day has been with us in the United States since 1908 when Anna Jarvis created the concept.

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    How to Double-Dip (Without Being Frowned Upon)—a Humorous Instruction

    2 years ago

    Do you dread being at a party and not being able to get enough dip on your chips or veggies? Do you try to wait until no one is about to quickly sneak in a 'double-dip?' You are not alone: the solution is at hand!

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    Movie Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi


    Review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the author promises no spoilers; just a few teasers.

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    Vegetarian French-Canadian Yellow Split-Pea Soup

    4 months ago

    This is a family recipe for yellow split pea soup that has been adapted for vegetarians. Non-vegetarians will love it, too.

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    How to Mend Socks to Save Money

    8 months ago

    Darning socks is an old skill that is slowly dying in this era of the 'just throw it away' mentality. Save your socks and your budget by learning to darn holes in socks.

  • 10

    个人电脑+shadowsocks,共享伋理让局域网内设备(PS4 ...:4、打开浏览器访问ipip.net确定伋理成功。打开cmd,输入ipconfig回车查看电脑本地局域网内IP地址。记下。 5、打开PS4,如图设置 第一行写刚记下的电脑IP;端口这里必须写8123,或者1080。8123和1080是ss官方软件的共享的端口,1080自动判断http还是

    12 months ago

    A roundup of this author's pick of some of the songs that were popular during the 1960s protest era.

  • 14


    2 years ago

    「雷电安卓模拟器」手游模拟器安卓版-android手机模拟器电脑版:2021-6-13 · 安卓模拟器哪个好用,首选雷电模拟器。雷电采用领先内核(基于Android7.1),具有迅捷的速度和稳定的性能。来感受更大的屏幕、更快的速度、更流畅的操控体验。

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    Boots: The Sad Story of a Puppy Mill Dog

    2 years ago

    This is a true story illustrating just one instance of why mass commercial breeding of pet animals needs to be halted, or at least very strictly regulated.

  • 11

    手机最好用的加速器推荐_免费手机加速器梯子软件下载_咖 ...:2021-3-9 · 想要寻找几个在手机中就能使用的加速器软件,但是在网上一直下载不到?那么今天小编为大家带来的这几个软件大家肯定会喜欢。这是目前国内最好用、最简便的加速器软件,最重要的是免费的。下载后让你可伍访问各种你喜

    18 months ago

    Your tires can talk, telling you many important things regarding tire maintenance and safety. This article explores and explains them.

  • 14

    Maddie's Family Reunion--Flash Fiction

    17 months ago

    Short story about an aging person's memories and sharing them with the younger generation.

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    My Cat Tested FIV-Positive! What Should I Do?

    12 months ago

    There are many myths, misinformation, and outdated statistics circulating about FIV. In this article, we will let the truth of the matter be known. The main takeaway is that a positive test should never mean a death sentence.

  • 14

    Are You Mentally Ill? Am I?

    2 years ago

    What does it mean to be mentally ill? How many people suffer from this ailment? It’s more common than you think.

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    Eight Silly Songs From the 1950s and 1960s

    4 months ago

    For anyone who grew up in this era, this collection of silly songs is sure to bring back many memories.

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    8 months ago

    A look at silly made-up holidays in the second half of the year.

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    Is World War Three on Our Doorstep?

    3 years ago

    The U.S. Military deployed a massive bomb in Afghanistan on the 13th April, 2017, with the stated aim of weakening ISIS/ISIL

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    Selling on E-Bay: Take Great Photos

    2 years ago

    Your item photo is the first impression buyers get. Make it a great one to capture their interest and increase your chances for a sale several fold.

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    Old, Old Oldies: A Selection of Tunes From the Era of the Two World Wars

    16 months ago

    There were a great number of songs that became popular during the two World Wars; this is a sampling of several selections.

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    10 Strategies to Help You Solve Word Search Puzzles

    8 months ago

    Word search puzzles are great fun for many people, but they can sometimes be quite challenging. Presented here are a few strategies that can help find all those words.

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    Camping for the First Time: Appropriate Clothing

    2 years ago

    What does a person wear to go camping? There are several things to consider before you start packing.

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    What to Do With Stale Bread: Five Easy Solutions

    7 months ago


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    8 months ago

    Ever wonder what goes on backstage and before the play? What does it take to bring you that entertainment? Read on; it's a fascinating journey.

  • 12

    What's the Best Brand of Cat Litter? A Comparison of Seven Brands


    What is the best cat litter for your feline companion? Seven brands are compared with their advantages and disadvantages listed to help you decide.

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    Strange and Unusual Holidays: January Through June

    8 months ago

    There are some truly oddball holidays most of us have never even heard of; the first six months of the year are put forth here, for your amusement

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    Improve Gas Mileage to Save Money: Seven Easy Tips

    18 months ago

    手游助手玩刺激国际服欧洲区,每次要开枪就卡顿,活活把 ...:2021-6-7 · 电脑管家论坛是腾讯旗下主打论坛的产品,24小时用户发帖持续更新。内容包含软件功能下载,顽固木马专杀,网络诊断工具等信息。电脑管家是中国知名管家软件,深受广大网友好评推荐,安全防护你的电脑!

  • 11

    植物大战僵尸修改器下载_植物大战僵尸修改器 ...- 当下软件园:2021-5-30 · 植物大战僵尸是一款非常经典的休闲益智类塔防游戏。在全世界都有非常不错的玩家口碑,游戏画面生动形象,游戏角色也是栩栩如生,造型各异。针对很多玩家在进行游戏后期关卡挑战碰到的问题,小编特地为大家收集了关于植物大战僵尸的全部修改器,无论你是在玩哪个版本,都能找到相对应的 ...

    2 years ago

    An exploration of the recent trend of police shooting first and asking questions later--too late.

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    Genealogy: Using the Census

    10 months ago

    How to use the various census records when researching your family's history

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    Ringworm in Cats


    How to diagnose and treat ringworm at home if your cat has this infection.

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    电脑如何上外网-百度经验:2021-11-18 · 电脑如何上外网,在互联网发达的今天,很多小伙伴想去外网看看,可是外网目前在我伊国内不是那么容易可伍访问的,有的方法是可伍通过VPN去外网,但现在有个小方法可伍帮助我伊前往外网。


    PS4加速教程 - 简书:2021-6-10 · PS4加速教程 很多同学的PS4设备要联网玩线上游戏,延迟很高。PS4自身不能安装加速器,如果通过其他办法,又纠结是用梯子加速还是加速器。梯子最近抓的很严,而且都是玩家伊自己搭建 …

  • 3

    Genealogy: The Family Group Sheet

    2 years ago

    Learn to fill out the most basic form used in tracing family history. Capture the details of your ancestors' families in an easy-to-find format.

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    【pdanet】免流热点共享 破解pdanet_小白笔记本-CSDN博客:2021-12-20 · 电脑装PdaNetA4183,手机装pdanet-kbguider.com与[KBGUIDER Cracked]FoxFi Key。 正常使用即可 Lots of readers had been searching and requesting for a way to stop PdaNet from disconnecting, and even crack of this app and Foxfi key following my last post on Best three Methods To Share Your Connections With computers .


    How to determine if your aunt is your great aunt or grand aunt, and whether you have met a first cousin or second cousin at the family reunion.

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    2 years ago

    Tips for beginners on where to look for information, and how to start to get it all organized

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    Kodak ESP Office 2150 Printer: Product and Customer Service Review

    2 weeks ago

    Review of a design flaw in the Kodak ESP Office 2150 model all-in-one printer, with commentary and exposé on Kodak's "customer service."

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    超低价众筹稳定的(梯子辅助软件),支持4K视频,防止小白被 ...:2021-6-11 · 2021年最新的电脑和手机辅助软件加速器教程方法如果大家出于查资料学习,需要打开窗户看风景的,有稳定性超速的要求的可伍联系我,直接加我好友备注 上车哦! ::twemoji:prayer:: ...

    8 months ago

    A guide to available options to get safely home from alcohol-drenched partying.

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    2 years ago

    A short compendium of notes from the road; passing thoughts along the way

  • 12

    steam无需经过梯子或加速器接收国区礼物流程_steam怎么 ...:2021-9-14 · steam无需经过梯子或加速器接收国区礼物流程,steam怎么接收国区礼物。众所周知,由于被墙的原因,不搭梯子或者用加速器,是没法接收国区礼物的,在这里小编给大家带来一个方便的方法,可伍绕过限制,一起来看一下吧。第一步:获取个人主页链接加好友(已经是好友的不用看啦!

    4 years ago

    Funny family stories of practical jokers in the clan

  • 18



    Have you ever wanted to drive a race track like the pros, but don't have that kind of money? Then R/C racing is for you!

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    2 years ago

    Owner's review of and experience with this carpet shampoo machine

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    Humor in the Family | Growing up Funny

    4 years ago

    中国访问GitHub为什么很慢,如何加速访问? - boke112联盟:2021-8-19 · GitHub 自从私有库免费后,涌入大批量的开发爱好者,小 C 也将自己的部分伋码转为了私库,但是在中国访问 GitHub 的速度不忍直视,那就叫一个慢!下面小 C 就用下面的问题告诉大家中国地区访问 GitHub 为什么很慢...

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    Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve

    2 years ago

    About an hour to the east of San Francisco, lies the historic Black Diamond Mines site. If you’re planning a visit to San Francisco or the greater Bay Area, this is an interesting side trip...

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    The Politicians: A Poem of Social Commentary

    9 hours ago

    A poetic commentary on the state of affairs in the USA as of 2015

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    A humorous look at some things people believe about cats. Written by the owner of seven cats: one who knows the truth!

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    Rock | A Mirror Poem

    5 years ago

    This is a poem originally written to accompany an art piece.

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    2 years ago

    Poem describing lava flowing into the sea

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    Child of the Sea: a Poem

    2 years ago

    Poem about a personal connection with the sea and boats

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    5 years ago

    Genealogy is a fascinating hobby, but can be time consuming. This is a poem about doing research on a microfiche reader at the National Archives.

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    Siren Song

    5 years ago

    vps中转电脑-遗憾的事:2021-5-28 · vps中转电脑-遗憾的事 2021-05-28 07:27:57 来源:vps跟单软件 参与互动 根据《上海市物业服务伋业综合服务能力星级测评标准(暂行)办法》和vps怎么样用vps 挂载 onedrive模拟鼠标键盘插件《关于开展 2021 年度物业服务伋业综合能力星级测评和vps怎么样 ...

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    5 years ago

    A poem showcasing the feelings of sitting around a nighttime campfire

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    5 years ago

    Relaxing at the beach; two poems that pair well together

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    Beach Scenes: Two Poems


    Two poems about the seashore and what's seen there, that pair well together.

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    Les Miserables | A Poem


    Poem with a dual inspiration from the stage play, "Les Miserables" and my life situation at the time I saw the play

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    Writing Poetry; a Poem About the Process

    3 years ago

    准备买腾讯云香港服务器搭梯子,求教程 - 『悬赏问答区 ...:2021-8-19 · 准备买腾讯云香港服务器搭梯子,求教程 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析| 免责声明: 吾爱破解所发布的一切破解补丁、注册机和注册信息及软件的解密分析文章仅限用于学习和研究目的;不得将上述内容用于商业或者非法用途,否则,一切后果请用户自负。

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    3 years ago

    How to make a sandwich; a humorous explanation, answering a question asked by Edwin Thomas.

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    Six Easy Ways to Burglar-Proof Your Home for Free

    2 years ago

    Make your home a less likely target for thieves without spending your hard-earned cash.

  • 26

    I Am a Camera


    vps中转电脑-遗憾的事:2021-5-28 · vps中转电脑-遗憾的事 2021-05-28 07:27:57 来源:vps跟单软件 参与互动 根据《上海市物业服务伋业综合服务能力星级测评标准(暂行)办法》和vps怎么样用vps 挂载 onedrive模拟鼠标键盘插件《关于开展 2021 年度物业服务伋业综合能力星级测评和vps怎么样 ...

  • 0

    Is the Bible Fantasy?

    7 months ago

    A short treatise on the topic of veracity of the Bible, in answer to a question asked by a member of the Hub Pages community.

  • 16

    Special Elections: Is There a Better Way?


    Special elections are costly. Is there a better way to handle the issues voted upon in special elections?

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    2 years ago

    Short flash fiction story about a woman's confusion on going through a doorway.

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    4 years ago

    Ten Tips for women to remain safe at night in parking lots and other locations when returning to their cars.

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    13 months ago

    Why do cats purr? Do purrs mean something more than happiness? What do purrs do for the cat and for us?

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    5 years ago

    How to create your own "ugly Christmas sweater" on the cheap

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    Dawn of the Planet of the Apes | Movie Review

    5 years ago

    Spoiler-free movie review of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

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    Meet DzyMsLizzy | A Self-Interview

    4 years ago

    A self-interview with the author, in response to a challenge from another Hub Pages author.

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    11 months ago

    Review of the Sci-Fi movie "Interstellar," released in California on 10-26-14. No spoilers!

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    Poem: The Twilight Man

    5 years ago

    Poem based upon an artwork by a fellow author, who issued a challenge to create a story based upon that picture.

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    Four Ways to Save Water in a Drought Year

    2 years ago

    Four less-often heard ideas for staying 'in the wet' when there is a water shortage.

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    What If Werewolves Were Real?

    2 years ago

    This is a review of a series of novels. The idea of werewolves goes back centuries, built on fear, prejudice and ignorance of both natural phenomena and human deformities.

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    Many people claim to see bizarre behavior during the full moon. Is this myth or fact?

  • 38

    Toddler Tantrums: How to Cope


    Toddler tantrums can be frustrating and embarrassing for parents. Here are a few coping strategies.

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    5 years ago

    Exploration of the game "Dragon Stone," with tips and strategies discovered by this author/player.

  • 25

    Grocery Coupons: Worth the Time?

    21 months ago

    Many people swear by clipping coupons to save money. Is this really an advantage, or only a false economy?

  • 21

    How to Shampoo Your Carpets, Including a Troubleshooting Guide

    2 years ago

    Tips on getting the best results when using a carpet shampoo machine.

  • 23

    Making Up Words For Fun

    2 years ago

    Have you ever made up silly words just for fun? I mean as an adult. Kids do this all the time, but it seems to be lost fun for many adults.

  • 47

    What Are Good Manners? A Quick Guide

    2 years ago

    Bad manners seem to run rampant these days. Find out if you are guilty or not.

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    Maya Angelou: Poet for the Ages

    6 years ago

    Today, May 28, 2014 marked the death of famed poet Dr. Maya Angelou.

  • 20

    When Are You Really an Adult?

    7 months ago

    In the United States, we have created a terrible identity crisis for many people who are trying to figure out when they are really an adult, or when they become a senior citizen.

  • 27

    steam无需经过梯子或加速器接收国区礼物流程_steam怎么 ...:2021-9-14 · steam无需经过梯子或加速器接收国区礼物流程,steam怎么接收国区礼物。众所周知,由于被墙的原因,不搭梯子或者用加速器,是没法接收国区礼物的,在这里小编给大家带来一个方便的方法,可伍绕过限制,一起来看一下吧。第一步:获取个人主页链接加好友(已经是好友的不用看啦!

    6 years ago

    亲测国际服 狂野飙车9:竞速传奇 无限氮气 2.1.2a版本 ...:2021-4-7 · 3.24发帖,今天04.07号更新,我还没有被封号,都没有提示我修改游戏,你要记得你是演员!!贴图为证,你伊进游戏看看今天是不是这个比赛!左上角有没有mod!!论坛只有 ... 亲测国际服 狂野飙车9:竞速传奇 无限氮气 2.1.2a版本 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|

  • 27

    Ender's Game: Reviewed by Dzymslizzy

    11 months ago

    Ender's Game is a big-budget independent film released to DVD in early 2014. It classifies as a Sci-Fi action thriller.

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    免费全球节点加速器 - 好看123:2021-6-15 · 可一键加速国内外手游,王者荣耀、和平精英、PUBG、Fate Go等,全球海量加速节点,... 9.免费外国网站加速器 点击前往 网站介绍:兔子加速器正式版 ss电脑能连手机用不了 shadowsock账号在哪买 ssr美国节点 ...iphone如何挂梯子免费全球加速器有哪些能用的

    6 years ago

    Pagans Against Fracking (The Warrior's Call - pagans united against fracking), sponsored a day of ritual ceremony to bless the waters of the world against further pollution and misuse.

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    Cauliflower Recipe: a Childhood Memory

    6 years ago

    A recipe re-created from a childhood memory.

  • 4

    Do I Have the Flu?


    enfi破解版2021|enfi最新破解版 V2.8.2 电脑版 下载_当下软件 ...:2021-6-4 · enfi破解版2021是一款功能强大的网盘资源下载软件。该软件只需要挂机或者上传资源即可获取大量流量积分,可伍说完全用不完的那种,用户只需要注册登录也可伍获取加速下载,更何况注册之后更快的下载速度,有兴趣可伍体验下。

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    Parking Lot Design

    2 years ago

    The many flaws in parking lot design need to be addressed. Representatives of the public who will be served should be involved in those designs, or designers should become more educated to needs.

  • 6

    Driving (and Walking) in Parking Lots

    2 years ago

    There is a huge failure of good manners in today's society, and there seems to be a special breed of poor manners encountered in parking lots nationwide.

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    How to read music--continuing with how to count musically

  • 20

    How to Prepare Any Type of Dried Beans for a Recipe

    4 months ago

    Dried beans are a healthy, inexpensive food. Read how to prepare and cook them properly. This recipe works for just about any type of dried bean.

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    Vegetarian Boston Baked Beans

    2 years ago

    Traditional Boston Baked Beans, converted to a vegetarian dish.

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    Punctuation: Another Language Problem

    2 years ago

    Punctuation matters, yet it is often neglected or tossed aside with a "who cares?" attitude.

  • 20


    2 years ago

    Self-proclaimed Emperor Norton I, "Emperor of these United States and Protector of Mexico" was a character who was probably tolerated only because of the prosperity following the gold rush.

  • 33

    Writer's Block? Exercises to Clear the Block

    2 years ago

    Stuck on trying to write something? Writer's block is real, but can be easily overcome.

  • 30

    Time Travel and Modern Devices: Science Fiction?

    2 years ago

    How much of our current technology originated from works of science fiction? You may be surprised at the connections.

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    Sensations: A Poem

    6 years ago

    What sensations tickle the nose; delight the eyes; relax the body? Ah, read on, read on.

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    New Years' Resolutions by the Cats

    2 years ago

    If cats could speak or write, this is what their list of New Year's Resolutions might look like.

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    Poem about aging, passing through pain, and leaves the reader to their own conclusions...

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    Farting: It's Only Natural

    20 months ago

    In answer to the question, "Do you and your spouse fart in each other's presence?"

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    2 years ago

    Children can be safely taught the basics of building a campfire, indoors with no flames, and have fun doing so.

  • 27



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  • 18


    6 years ago

    How to encourage children to learn and to love lifelong learning.

  • 31

    SSR安卓客户端和PC客户端的详细使用教程和常见问题 ...:2021-5-20 · 这里先从PC端的开始,下载后解压,看到如下目录: 根据你的电脑系统确定需要使用哪个客户端: 一般来说XP和WIN7使用ShadowsocksR-dotnet2.0.exe 而WIN8和WIN10使 …

    6 years ago

    An exploration of the various distractions threatening drivers on the roads today.

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    6 years ago

    Translation of the age-old tag line on invitations that reads, "R.S.V.P."

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    16 months ago

    Review of the Steven Spielberg movie, "Lincoln," starring Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Field.

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    6 years ago

    A look at the various ways programs intended to produce harmony actually do the opposite.

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    3 years ago

    Whether you are planning to have knee replacement surgery, or whether you're currently recovering from the procedure, there's a lot to know. This is what I learned from my experience.